April 15, 2007

The Return of the Prodigal Son.

You may have noticed (or not) that I haven't posted in a long time. The main reason I haven't been posting, in all honesty, is that I haven't believed there was any need for me to write. There wasn't much of a role for me to fill.

I was, if I do say so myself, an ardent blogger during the 2005 state elections. In 2006, I cut back somewhat. I've posted like 8 or 10 times this year. But with all the things going on right now (the 2008 presidential race gearing up, a possible Warner-for-Warner switch for the Senate seat, Republican scandals), I just don't think I should be sitting on the sidelines.

So therefore, I'm going to begin regular posting again. Hopefully, you'll see daily posts (more than one on some days) that cover state stuff, national stuff, baseball, or whatever might be floating around my head at that moment.

Since I'm not on the LeftyBlogs blogroll (at this time), check back often to see whatever I may be thinking aloud about.

So stay tuned. It'll be an interesting ride.


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