January 16, 2007


You'll notice I've removed my John Edwards graphic on the side of my page. I've decided I prematurely declared an allegiance. The fact of the matter is simple; John Edwards is a great guy. So are Barack Obama, Bill Richardson, Joe Biden, Chris Dodd, Dennis Kucinich, and Hillary Clinton (well, not a great guy). I can't, in good conscience, go ahead and make a solid commitment nearly two years out.

I'm truly undecided. Right now (and it's fluid--it changes every single day), my ranking looks like this (in alphabetic order):

First tier:
Biden, Obama, Richardson

Second tier:
Dodd, Edwards, Kerry, Kucinich, Vilsack

Third tier:
Clinton, Gravel

I appologize to all the Edwards people out there, but I just can't say I'm fully for him right now.

And that's where I stand today.


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